OdditiesMan Lives to 112 Despite Junk-Food DietRajhe FatelleSeptember 5, 2006October 11, 2024 by Rajhe FatelleOctober 11, 2024October 11, 2024098 I once met a guy who lived to 112 eating hot dogs and waffles. He was like a human science experiment gone wrong, or...
OdditiesThe Judas Cover-upRajhe FatelleApril 7, 2006October 23, 2023 by Rajhe FatelleOctober 23, 2023October 23, 20230304 The Gospel of Judas is an ancient text that was discovered in the 1970s and gained significant attention when it was made public in 2006....
Aliens ParanormalUFO Mysteries with (Supposed) Human OriginsRajhe FatelleMarch 22, 2006October 23, 2023 by Rajhe FatelleOctober 23, 2023October 23, 20230297 What UFO sightings were later determined to be of human origin? Below, for what it is worth, is sort of the official word: major world...
OdditiesA Man Once Found Hundreds of Buddhas Along American RiverRajhe FatelleMarch 2, 2006August 22, 2024 by Rajhe FatelleAugust 22, 2024August 22, 20240100 Buddha Figurines Discovery Update What we heard is that if you find a gold nugget in along the American River, it is yours to keep,...