Alien Embassy Oddities Outpost‘Atlantis’ Spotted on Ocean Floor off Africa?Staff ReporterFebruary 20, 2009December 25, 2024 by Staff ReporterDecember 25, 2024December 25, 202413 114 An intriguing image has emerged that some believe may depict the legendary sunken city of Atlantis. This image reveals a perfect rectangular shape,...
Alien EmbassySighting of Mysterious “Leprechaun-Alien” in Lake Tahoe, USAHob NinvarAugust 5, 2008February 21, 2024 by Hob NinvarFebruary 21, 2024February 21, 20241149 I recently came across a fascinating report of a peculiar sighting in Lake Tahoe, USA, which has left many baffled and intrigued. The incident involves...
Alien EmbassyClaim: There are Alien Bases on EarthClark TelleJuly 15, 2008September 8, 2024 by Clark TelleSeptember 8, 2024September 8, 20244 2507 While it may draw on some real facts, the following is only an AI generated dramatization of a lost radio show which was supposedly recorded...
Alien Embassy Oddities OutpostMy Take on the Roswell StoryXenoJuly 6, 2008March 3, 2024 by XenoMarch 3, 2024March 3, 20247 689 The Roswell crash was 77 years ago. I wasn’t alive when it happened, but I got interested in after I got out of college. Over...
Alien EmbassyWe May All be Space Aliens: StudyStaff ReporterJune 17, 2008March 1, 2024 by Staff ReporterMarch 1, 2024March 1, 20240592 Have you ever looked at humans and thought about how strange and alien we look? You may correct, we may be aliens in a way....
Alien Embassy Oddities OutpostAlien-Like Being Born From A Cow In ThailandHob NinvarJune 12, 2008March 1, 2024 by Hob NinvarMarch 1, 2024March 1, 20247 639 In a small town in Thailand, a discovery that seems ripped straight from the pages of an X-Files script has the locals and the curious...
Alien EmbassyVatican: It’s OK for Catholics to Believe in AliensRajhe FatelleMay 14, 2008October 23, 2023 by Rajhe FatelleOctober 23, 2023October 23, 20230228 Beliving alien life forms exist is not contradictory to having faith in God according to the top astronomer at the Vatican. In a Vatican newspaper...
Alien Embassy Oddities OutpostGod Microbes: What Are Humunculirians?XenoMarch 1, 2008November 15, 2023 by XenoNovember 15, 2023November 15, 20231130 Today February 28, 2008, the truth was revealed to me by God in a vision. Or perhaps this was just a daydream, but anyway, God...
Alien Embassy Oddities OutpostCattle Mutilations: Radiation Monitoring Program?Staff ReporterNovember 13, 2006November 11, 2023 by Staff ReporterNovember 11, 2023November 11, 20232 258 I once happened onto an unusual scene, a possible mysterious cattle mutilation up near Mount Shasta a few years ago. A few park rangers were...
Alien Embassy Mystics MireUFO Mysteries with (Supposed) Human OriginsRajhe FatelleMarch 22, 2006October 23, 2023 by Rajhe FatelleOctober 23, 2023October 23, 20230297 What UFO sightings were later determined to be of human origin? Below, for what it is worth, is sort of the official word: major world...