Yes. Our conscious experience of “now” is indeed delayed by approximately half a second from actual physical events. This phenomenon, often referred to as the...
Donald Hoffman, a cognitive scientist at UC Irvine, has put forth a provocative theory about the nature of human perception. He suggests that evolution...
Recent research has unveiled a significant breakthrough in understanding how long-term memories are formed and maintained in the brain. A team of international scientists has...
Introduction A recent study from the University of Basel has uncovered that memories are not stored as singular entities but rather as multiple parallel “copies”...
In the early 2020s, moral injury emerged as one of the explanations for the wave of employee resignations across industries. Moral injury occurs when an...
The minimum neurobiological processes for self-awareness identified in the search results are: 1. Interoceptive processing: Interoceptive information, particularly concerning physiological states and bodily actions,...