A strip of land along Africa’s southern coast is believed to have served as a crucial refuge for early humans during an ice age that led to widespread extinction elsewhere. This region, often referred to by researchers as “the garden of Eden,” may have been the only continuously habitable area in Africa during the ice age that began approximately 195,000 years ago.
Recent excavations have revealed that a combination of lush vegetation and nutrient-rich ocean currents provided a sustainable food source for early humans amid drastic climate changes. Professor Curtis Marean from the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University noted, “Shortly after Homo sapiens first evolved, the harsh climate conditions nearly extinguished our species.” New findings indicate that the small population from which all modern humans descend survived by utilizing a unique array of resources along the southern African coast.
This concept of early humans being reduced to a tiny remnant population stems from genetic research showing that modern humans exhibit significantly less genetic diversity compared to other species. Some scientists have posited that the population may have dwindled to as few as several hundred individuals during this period.
In his studies, Prof. Marean identified isolated caves near Pinnacle Point in South Africa, about 386 kilometers east of Cape Town, which are rich in ancient human artifacts. His forthcoming paper argues that these caves contain archaeological remains dating back at least 164,000 years, with some evidence suggesting even older human activity.
Recent research has expanded our understanding of human survival strategies during this period. For instance, studies conducted in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia reveal that early humans adapted to high-altitude environments, utilizing available resources such as water and local fauna like giant mole rats for sustenance. This challenges previous assumptions that humans primarily inhabited lower valleys during the ice age.
Additionally, investigations into coastal adaptations highlight how early humans relied on coastal environments for food and favorable living conditions during glacial and interglacial phases. Excavations at sites like Waterfall Bluff in South Africa have uncovered evidence of human occupation from the last ice age, suggesting a complex relationship with coastal ecosystems.
Overall, these findings underscore the resilience and adaptability of Homo sapiens in the face of climatic adversity, revealing a rich tapestry of survival strategies employed across different environments in Africa during critical periods of human evolution.
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[1] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190808152500.htm
[2] https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/how-humans-survived-the-ice-age
[3] https://phys.org/news/2020-11-ancient-people-coastal-environments-survive.html
[4] https://theconversation.com/ancient-humans-were-so-good-at-surviving-the-last-ice-age-they-didnt-have-to-migrate-like-other-species-new-study-240366
[5] https://news.umich.edu/south-africas-desert-like-interior-may-have-been-more-inviting-to-our-human-ancestors/
[6] https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/news/324-2021
[7] https://www.thesciencebreaker.org/breaks/evolution-behaviour/living-the-high-life-the-early-arrival-of-hunter-gatherers-in-the-glaciated-ethiopian-highlands
[8] https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/110127-out-of-africa-earlier-early-humans-left-science-climate-stone-tools
[9] https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8596755/
The Garden of Eden was not found in Africa. It has been proven that Adam and Eve were white and not black. The Garden of Eden is located just west of China and east of Turkey in the Tarm Basin on the Parmar Penninsula. The Hebrew word Adam literally means, “white man, blood in the face red.” Adam and Eve were white. they were the beginning of God creating man in his own image. Blacks were not created in God’s image.
Blacks were not created in God’s image? then blacks are not a human being then? you’re racist my friend. I’m not blacks, and I’m not white either.. and I think Adam’s too..
He’s not a white man with blonde hair and caucasian built,, similarly how you depicted Jesus (but Jesus was a colored man).. mann,, that’s obviously a white supremacy, that’s what brainwashed people to be racist.
however, Adam’s not a black man too.. He’s simply…colored.
God made all humans in his image, and he loves every one of us. He doesn’t see us as colored or non colored. He sees us only as his children. That was the most racist thing I’ve heard.
You’d think He might have tried a little harder to get that message across.
The garden of enden cannot be seen or found by any sinful human eyes.Garden of eden is always there somewhere. God purposely sent the flood to destroy sin and also to move the garden to a different location and its invisible to human eyes. Before the flood the whole earth was just one. After the flood the land mass was divided into islands.Eden is hidden somewhere in a lost island.
The garden of Eden isn’t to be found, because it was flooded into the Meditteranean Sea. It was a peninsula on the oriental side of this sea. The Second Garden of Eden,was in Mesopotamia. Read the real story in the UB (Urantia Book).
To complete what I said, please check here: http://www.dalamatiacity.com/EdenGates/1stEden.htm
The Garden of Eden is located in Ethiopia near the river of Havilah (Cush area). YHWY created Adam, he blew his spirit into him and gave Adam life. At that time, there was one nation (all dark skinned), one language. Adam was a Hebrew (a black man). The Messiyah whose true and correct name is Yahoshua (not Jesus), was also Hebrew from the line of King David, from the tribe of Judah. Scripture, History and Science states and proves that white skin/people are a mutation originating from the caucus mountains in Georgia (Russia), Germany, France and Spain. All humans not of african origin are neantheral.
Correction that should read Neanderthal.
The Garden of Eden is located in Ethiopia near the river of Havilah (Cush area). YHWY created Adam, he blew his spirit into him and gave Adam life. At that time, there was one nation (all dark skinned), one language. Adam was a Hebrew (a black man). The Messiyah whose true and correct name is Yahoshua (not Jesus), was also Hebrew from the line of King David, from the tribe of Judah. Scripture, History and Science states and proves that white skin/people are a mutation originating from the caucus mountains in Georgia (Russia), Germany, France and Spain. All humans not of african origin are Neanderthal.
I believe that what so called white people, they are the devils we have on earth, they are deceiver people i ever see, naturaly they are wicked, their wickedness is more than the black people, because them knew that they are’t the real people of God
The notion that there are strictly defined categories of “black” and “white” people fails to capture the rich diversity of human pigmentation. Instead, skin color should be viewed as part of a broad spectrum shaped by genetics, environment, and cultural influences. Accepting the truth of this complexity can foster greater understanding and acceptance among individuals from different backgrounds.