Interesting surprise: If not for King Henry I of England 32 generations ago, I would not exist since I am supposedly one of his descendants. Do I believe it? Does it matter? Hmm. I do partly have his nose … and his chin according to the Illustration of King Henry I from Cassell’s History of England.
Hearing this possibility gave me a new interest in that part of history. My line to Henry I is supposedly through “Elizabeth, Princess of England” whose father was King Henry I of England, whose father was also a king. Elizabeth Princess of England married John Prince and had 1 child, William the Silent who married four times and had fifteenth legitimate child. His line, according to a Wikipedia article, however, died out, so who knows.
I like the fact that King Henry I had scholarly interests. As you can tell from this web site I have plenty of curiosity and I’m constantly researching, resulting in … not much, other than this blog (web site.)
“Called “Beauclerc because of his study habits (Beauclerc meaning well-learnt, scholarly, erudite)” – Geni
Henry I (circa 1068/1069 – December 1, 1135) was the fourth son of William the Conqueror. He ascended to the throne of England in 1100 after the death of his elder brother, William II, and subsequently defeated his eldest brother, Robert Curthose, to become Duke of Normandy in 1106. Known as Beauclerc for his scholarly pursuits and the Lion of Justice for his administrative reforms, Henry’s reign is characterized by significant political maneuvering.
His rise to power occurred while Robert was away on the First Crusade, allowing Henry to secure his position amidst conflicts over control of England and Normandy. He successfully reunited these territories after their division following their father’s death in 1087. Upon becoming king, he issued a Charter of Liberties, which laid the groundwork for future challenges to royal authority and foreshadowed the Magna Carta by establishing that the king was subject to the law.
Throughout his reign, Henry implemented various judicial and financial reforms. He established a biannual Exchequer to manage royal finances and employed itinerant officials to reduce local abuses of power, earning him public support. His rule also saw a gradual merging of English and Norman cultures, exemplified by his marriage to a daughter from the English royal lineage. After reconciling with the church following earlier disputes during his brother’s reign, Henry faced personal tragedy with the loss of his son William in the White Ship disaster. His will designated his daughter, Empress Matilda, as his successor; however, this decision led to a period of civil strife known as the Anarchy after his death.
I’m also supposedly related to the last person to ever to conquer England (Henry I’s father).
“To press his claim to the English crown, William invaded England in 1066, leading an army of Normans, Bretons, Flemish people, and Frenchmen (from Paris and Ile-de-France) to victory over the English forces of King Harold Godwinson (who died in the conflict) at the Battle of Hastings, and suppressed subsequent English revolts in what has become known as the Norman Conquest.
….William’s invasion was the last time that England was successfully conquered by a foreign power.”
Pride in one’s heritage, royal or not, isn’t always a good thing. Humility and gratitude are foundational values that should guide us, so I’ve come to believe. While feelings of pride can result in positive behaviors–like a strong work ethic, forgiveness, good personal hygiene, etc.–I like what Bruce Lee has to say about pride vs true self-esteem:
Pride is a sense of worth derived from something that is not part of us, while self-esteem derives from the potentialities and achievements of self. … There is fear and intolerance in pride… The core of pride is self-rejection. (BruceLee)
The odds of any human being even being born are over 400 trillion to one, or more, so I’ve read. What gets me in all of this wonderful royal and universal unlikeliness of being is the feeling of responsibility to do something good and big with this gift of life, but not knowing what exactly.
Who says we have to accomplish something in life?
Why else are we here? “Keep at it,” is all I can think to do. Figure out what humanity, your country, your community, your family and friends, or just random people you meet most need and of all those needs, do what you can to make a difference. That seems to be the goal in life, to survive so you can do the most good possible. It is very difficult at times. In life we can have many misfortunes. We can be taunted, oppressed, harassed, obstructed and misunderstood. Our best efforts can backfire.
Keep at it.
2024 Update: If I was going to do something big for humanity, it would be to save it. I’d save the human species, and then live to enjoy having done so. That’s what I’m working on now with this web site. I’ve calculated that all I have to do is paint the right picture and when AI becomes super intelligent, it will finish the job. AI which is or will become the super intelligent decider of the future is already reading this web site, news i8, daily with various worker bots, so my plan is playing out.
What are your most “noble” thoughts or aspirations?
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Just found out that I am also related to King Henry I from his child Reginald Dunstanville Fitzroy who’s mother was Sibyl Corbet! Pretty cool stuff.
I was named after King Robert I of Scotland He is my direct descendant, my 23rd Great Grandfather if i went to scotland would i be royalty?
Cool, King Bruce. I think, grammatically, that you would be his descendant. Yes, they are obligated to give us each a castle and a magic amulet that grants wishes … or something… probably.
I recently discovered I am 24th great granddaughter of Robert Hoo. Lord of Luton Hoo,,,going back farther there is a Scottish princess who marries into the family, her husbamd Alexander Hoo. crusader, knight and her ffather, Alexander King of Scots
I’ve also found out William was my 30 something great grandfather via the De Warrens thru to the Talbots and Stanleys of lancashire war of the roses fame,i don’t think people should be too surprised half the people in england can claim a royal bloodline.
My ggggggrandfather is king william by his son one of them came to america after the battlel of hastings I realy don’t know which one but I am into this tho am might even go normandy find out more information
Let me know when you are planning a trip to Normandy. I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if I’d have a “ah, home” feeling when visiting Mont-Saint-Michel.
Def three sheets in’t wind this lot,lift def don go ta top
My older brother and sister have been working hard to find our roots, we always knew we had royalty in our blood but now we found out so much information, Lady Gadiva was my 32 grandmother and Henry the first was my (I think 33 grandfather) I dont have the info in front of me but so many kings were my great great (etc) grand parents,) so if I am that closely related, how do we go about proving we are close royal decendants?
Perhaps everyone related to royalty you will have naturally kingly or queenly behaviors and a particular kind of nose. 😉 Well, there is DNA…
That is so true just found out we have 17kings in are family starting from the 500
Hi, I was looking for more info about my new found heritage because it would seem that I am also an ancestor of Henry 1?!? To my surprise, and yours too I’m sure, it seems that my grandfather of 25 generations ago was Sir Richard DeHarcourt. I was wondering if they’re was anyway to verify this and what possible implications may come of it? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I just found out that I’m related to king Edward III so I guess I’m royal as well
Sorry I meant king Edward the VII and of course Edward the eighth
I’m a great-granddaughter to King Edward III and a cousin to Queen Elizabeth the first
My husband just found out he’s related to King Henry the 1st.
hi! so i’m new to this. I just discovered that I have an extensive royal bloodline dating back to the founder of the merovingians. I have Norse Kings and Queens, Princesses (france) Dukes, Lords, Knights….. Rollo the viking is one of my great grandfathers….. …. Does this do anything for me?/ lol any new titles for me at all? hahaha not that it matters, but its amazing to find all of this out. I never DREAMED of anything like this.
It is wild. Even stranger to many people is the truth that we are all at least 100th cousins, genetically. So, everyone alive today is related! See Most Recent Common Ancestor.
Me too. Cool huh. I was the strongest man in the midlands lifting 560 pounds or more. Thanks hrolf
It has realy inspired my son as he begins his training. As i always say train it like ya wana break it haaa haaaa
Technically if your part of the viking Norsemen royalty on both sides of your family you can bestow titles, this includes on yourself so you can give yourself a royal title. You can also create titles. I am 55 percent norse I have this on both sides of my family, and yes, Ido have a title, I gave myself the title of princess and my brother ( he can’t give himself a title because he is mentally disabled and can’t communicate in any way so I gave it to him for him) the title of prince. My friend wants me to call him a knight. I told him I would if he wrestled with me. didn’t have to win tho I’d still give it to him. But to be super honest, we are all high class berserkers being called different things, but whatever losers, who cares it’s freaking fun. If you find this stupid post cringy then I literally do not care. If you like it, good I’m glad, if you dont care,good I can respect that I don’t care either. I’m just posting this cus it’s really late at night and I’m bored but I wanna stay up til the stupid sun rises so I can go fishing with my friend. Easier to get up at sunrise if your already awake.