Certain people who talk to aliens are predicting some sort of blue light phenomenon for humanity which signifies something cosmic or karmic four few days from now.
The Pleiadians, as interpreted by various spiritual messengers and channels, suggest that March 21, 2025, marks a significant shift in human consciousness and evolution. Here are some key points from their messages:
1. Shift in Consciousness: The Pleiadians indicate that this date represents a turning point where humanity will face a choice between two paths: one leading to higher consciousness and awakening, and the other to stagnation and limitation[1][5].
2. Cosmic Alignment: This event is often associated with celestial alignments and a vibrational shift, which are believed to facilitate a transition into a higher frequency for Earth and its inhabitants[3][4].
3. Karmic Reset: Some interpretations suggest that March 21, 2025, could mark the end of a 6,000-year “dark age” and the beginning of a karmic reset, signaling a major transformation in human history[3].
4. Personal and Collective Transformation: The Pleiadians emphasize the importance of individual awakening and alignment with higher frequencies. They encourage people to listen to their intuition, question existing narratives, and embody love and unity to facilitate a collective shift[4][7].
5. Free Will and Choice: The Pleiadians remind humanity that the future is not predetermined and that individuals have the power to choose their path, emphasizing the role of free will in shaping the collective destiny[4][5].
Who Are the Pleiadians?
The Pleiadians are believed to be a highly advanced extraterrestrial race originating from the Pleiades star system, located in the constellation of Taurus, approximately 500 light years from Earth[9][10]. They are often described as humanoid beings with Nordic-like features, possessing a high level of consciousness and spiritual development[10][11]. According to some accounts, the Pleiadians are multidimensional entities capable of telepathic communication, time travel, and living for extended periods, with some sources claiming lifespans of up to 700 years[9][10].
The Pleiadian civilization is said to have a rich history intertwined with that of Earth. According to certain narratives, they discovered our planet around 225,000 B.C. and have since played a role in human evolution and the development of various ancient civilizations[9]. Some beliefs suggest that the Pleiadians, along with other extraterrestrial races like the Lyrans, share a common ancestry with humans and have been involved in seeding life on Earth[10][11]. Their alleged mission on our planet involves guiding humanity towards spiritual awakening, promoting peace, and helping us realize our true potential[10].
However, it’s important to note that the existence of Pleiadians is not scientifically proven and remains a subject of debate and skepticism. The concept of Pleiadians is primarily associated with New Age beliefs, UFOlogy, and various spiritual movements[11]. While some view them as benevolent beings offering guidance and support, others argue that these ideas might be elaborate fiction or misinterpretations of natural phenomena[11]. The Pleiadian narrative often incorporates elements from various mythologies, ancient astronaut theories, and contemporary spiritual concepts, creating a complex and sometimes contradictory belief system[11][10].
Will There Be Any Unusual Solar Activity?
Solar activity on March 21, 2025, is expected to be influenced by a recent coronal mass ejection (CME) that originated from a filament eruption in the Sun’s northwest quadrant on March 16. This CME, first observed at 11:24 UTC through the SOHO spacecraftโs LASCO C2 coronagraph, was slow and faint but is modeled to deliver a glancing blow to Earth around midday on March 20. While the primary impact is expected the day prior, residual effects such as unsettled geomagnetic conditions or minor G1-level geomagnetic storms could persist into March 21. Solar activity overall is anticipated to remain at low to moderate levels, with a slight chance of isolated M-class flares, and observers at high latitudes may have opportunities to witness auroral displays as a result of these conditions.
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[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUTKqH0SRFY
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD0hRw-BOic
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SqIzw3uwbA
[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkAYUAHwP7s
[5] https://sunnysjournal.com/2025/03/16/the-real-truth-about-march-2025-lana-rogers/
[6] https://www.tiktok.com/discover/march-21-2025-spiritual-awakening
[7] https://www.christinedayonline.com/2025/03/08/pleiadian-message-march-2025/
[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQhV5D9ZesA
[9] https://www.angelfire.com/il2/pleiadians/info.html
[10] https://vocal.media/fyi/pleiadians-what-are-they-who-are-they
[11] https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pleiadians
[12] https://pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/10_Health_Pos/01_Worthy_Authors/Marciniak_Barbara/Bringers_of_The_Dawn__Teachings_from_the_Pleiadians%20OLD.pdf
[13] https://www.centreofexcellence.com/pleiadian-starseed/
[14] https://dl.icdst.org/pdfs/files3/3c24536afc1ec58a033d73b2b116069f.pdf
[15] https://thebalancedblonde.com/2024/05/03/lets-talk-about-pleiadians-shall-we/
[16] https://drumsofatlantis.com/the-pleiadians
[17] https://earthsky.org/sun/sun-news-activity-solar-flare-cme-aurora-updates/