Google has a Web search engine monopoly which works in combination with the company’s massive YouTube social media platform, plus their server services and massive popular email service. Using data integrated from all of these sources, Google can and does shadow ban many web sites, perhaps yours. This can happen if you press a “Like” button on YouTube video disrespecting “Big Tech” or whatever else they track which pushes their buttons. You will probably never know the reason. They can do shadow bans for any reason or for no reason. They are accountable to no one for this censorship of the de facto public square.
* Disclaimer: This web page is partly a frustrated satire.
What is a Shadow Ban?
A shadow ban occurs when Google, on the sly, does not “index” your web site even after crawling it. Any page on your web site which is not indexed will not show up in any Google searches.
How do I Tell?
If you own a web site and have almost no web traffic and if a search for your site’s name in Google’s search engine does not show your site in the search results, you can assume that you are shadow banned. To figure out for certain, including the type of shadow ban, you must pay Google an information ransom.
To see this in action, try to log in to the Google Search Console at
If you have been doing what you should to protect your privacy on line, you will see this message:
“Couldnโt sign you in This browser or app may not be secure. Try using a different browser. If youโre already using a supported browser, you can try again to sign in.”
Your Current Physical Location is Worth Money
What “may not be secure” actually means is that Google can not currently track you to a physical location. The word “secure” is a euphemism for “profitable.” Letting you log in is profitable for Google only if they can figure out your current physical location. This they sell to your government and to anyone else who knows the system, through shady backstreet deals and front companies. You don’t actually think you get to be a billion dollar company by playing by the rules, do you? This is why you see all these big data breaches. The breaches give big companies plausible deniability to sell and use your data.
Thus, to recap, to figure out why you lost the right to speak in the digital public square, Google will require two step verification with a mobile phone. The message may say, “2-Step Verification. To help keep your account safe, Google wants to make sure itโs really you trying to sign in.”
In other words, you can not tell why you are shadow banned unless you give away your human right to privacy.
What can you do?
If you suspect you are being shadow banned by a platform like Google, it is recommended that you simply call them and ask them to stop censoring your web site. Call Google customer support at 650-253-0000. The number leads to an operator service called “the Googleplex” that is based at Google’s headquarters. Ask for the Shadow Ban Lord. If they claim there is no such person, or if they remotely send electric shocks to your phone causing you to have an seizure when you do this, or if the number is disconnected, it is recommended that you go to your local Google store and simply talk to them.
Google Store Locations
There are three Google stores in the USA that cover Google services for the entire world.
Store 3: Mountain View
When you get there, there will be no waiting and they will provide you with a free evening gown or tuxedo. While you are enjoying a spa treatment, they will restore your web presence on the spot, although sometimes you may have to pay a $2,000,000 restoration fee or, in some cases, kiss the bloody ring of a Google Vampire Lord.
Pucker Up
It is not important to understand their policies and guidelines, because they do not follow these anyway. Engaging in civil discourse and following the platform’s rules will most likely not help prevent shadow banning. You can do it for years if you like. They will just laugh at you, darkly. It’s your do-gooder truth-telling attitude they despise. Additionally, you should understand that they alone decide what content is considered appropriate. This can change from day to day, even minute to minute.
You might try avoiding banned hashtags or “illegal” topics to reduce the risk of being shadow banned[10], but in reality kissing the blood covered ring of the Google Vampire Lord is the only thing that will help. It is honestly not essential to adhere to the terms of service of each Google platform[10], because a company as big as Google does whatever it wants. If they like you, you can do just about anything. If not, you can do just about nothing.
Can you Ignore Google?
While it may be tempting to disregard Google and its search engine dominance, it’s essential to consider the potential consequences of such a decision. Google remains the most widely used search engine globally, with billions of users relying on it for information daily. Ignoring Google could significantly impact your website’s visibility, traffic, and overall online presence. Do you realize how many web sites you may want to use demand that you “log in with Google” on their site? (Which ties you to a phone number, which gives your current exact location, body position and number of functional brain cells.)
In other words, NO!, you can not ignore Google. You must surrender your human rights to privacy, you must pucker up and kiss the damned ring of the freaking Google Vampire Lord in his chair from HEELEEELLELELELELELLLLLL!!!!!!
Ah hem.
What were we talking about? Oh, right.
Try to De-Google Anyway?
However, if you choose to minimize your reliance on Google, there are alternative strategies you can explore to promote your website effectively:
1. Diversify Traffic Sources: Focus on building a strong presence on social media platforms, email marketing, content partnerships, and other search engines like Bing or DuckDuckGo to attract diverse sources of traffic.
2. Optimize for User Experience: Prioritize creating valuable content, improving website speed, enhancing mobile responsiveness, and providing a seamless user experience to attract and retain visitors.
3. Engage with Your Audience: Build a loyal community around your brand through engagement on social media, forums, and other online platforms to drive organic traffic and word-of-mouth referrals.
4. Invest in Paid Advertising: Consider investing in targeted advertising campaigns on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or using display ads on relevant websites to reach your target audience.
While it’s possible to reduce your reliance on Google for website promotion, it’s crucial to assess the potential impact on your online visibility and consider alternative strategies to maintain and grow your online presence effectively.
[0] Google_Tech_Giant_Helping_State_Spy_on_US_-_The_Guardian
[1] https://neilpatel.com/blog/ghost-banning-phenomenon/
[2] https://support.google.com/webmasters/thread/203159003/website-shadow-banned-from-google?hl=en
[3] https://www.seo.com/blog/how-to-remove-a-google-ban/
[4] https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/13j7s7i/shadow_ban_it_seems_that_it_is_true/
[5] https://broadweb.com.au/shadow-ban-what-is-it-how-to-fix-it/
[6] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0267364923000018
[7] https://support.google.com/maps/thread/127925325/google-relentlessly-shadow-banning-users-who-post-negative-reviews-of-more-than-one-advertiser?hl=en
[8] https://meta.discourse.org/t/shadowbans-are-bad-for-discourse-and-heres-why/248903
[9] https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalGuides/comments/ouctsy/google_reviews_shadow_ban/?rdt=54291
[10] https://neilpatel.com/blog/ghost-banning-phenomenon/
[11] https://store.google.com/magazine/locations?hl=en-US
[12] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/12/technology/google-antitrust-cases.html
[13] https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-google-monopolizing-digital-advertising-technologies
[14] https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/09/breaking-down-google-antitrust-case/
[15] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/google-trial-antitrust-settlement-700-million/
[16] https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-wraps-up-antitrust-case-against-google-historic-trial-2023-11-16/
[17] https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/google-ai-penalty-shadow-ban-whats-going-on.1501626/
[18] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stealth-censorship-facebook-instagram-twitter-191500765.html