My fiance and I had something called a Live Blood Analyses done yesterday. A small sterile needle used for testing diabetics is used to obtain a drop of blood from your finger. The drop of blood is placed directly on a clean microscope slide and examined under a dark field microscope.
My blood cells have a problem. They stack like pancakes. This is called rouleaux. Mine is quite dramatic.
Her’s are as they should be, mostly single blood cells. I was told that this is due to her good diet and my poor standard American diet. (I actually eat a lot better than that, but according to the Weston A Price followers, my food is unhealthy and lacking nutrient density.)
I was given recommendations for dietary supplements and I’m giving them a try, starting with the liver cleanse Jarrow ToxGuard Liver PF and krill oil.
I did meet someone who had this rouleaux pattern and reversed it with diet.
The examiner thought I would have trouble with circulation in my extremities, fatigue from lack of hemoglobin being able to reach my cells and dizziness. I don’t have any of these, however.
I do have dry eyes, especially at night, a condition that comes and goes but has been there in the background for many years. Suspecting some auto-immune problem, I’ve had three blood tests in 2005, 2009 and 2010 all of which were negative for abnormal anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA). Tests for Sjogren’s antibodies was also negative, so I don’t have Sjogren’s syndrome.
My blood is very clean and healthy otherwise. Since a healthy blood cell lives 4 months, we are going to return in four months, after diet changes, for a follow up.
I’m still researching what this rouleaux means. Could it be normal, an artifact of the way it was viewed? Some explanations are fairly dark, such as a type of bone cancer that gives me only 3 to 5 years to live.
While researching, I found the following web site. Someone has photos showing that they had stacked blood cells in the first sample, then were able to get their blood cells to appear a few minutes later.
My educated guess: The osmolarity of the blood sample when you place a drop of blood on a slide is responsible for the rouleaux pattern being seen or not. Osmolarity is the concentration of blood cells to plasma in the sample. Osmolarity is affected by changes in water content, as well as temperature and pressure. Could differences in temperature and pressure during handling of the slide be the culprit?
In both the case of my blood and of the EFT example above, the non-sticky blood was the second sample. The first slide was likely fresh out of the box, and colder than the second slide. The microscope had been completely off when we looked at my blood, so the light from the scope for my sample had not had a chance to warm up the slide. Perhaps the heat of the slide handled by the examiner could, at that scale, make the blood cells unstick? This would be easy to test if someone has a dark-field microscope and was willing to try it.
Plasma osmolarity measures the body’s electrolyte-water balance. … Osmolarity is affected by changes in water content, as well as temperature and pressure. … – wiki
On the other hand, we looked at my blood on the slide for about an hour and it was still stacked the whole time, so heat doesn’t seem like the answer.
When you drop a cover slip onto a microscope slide, it is possible to have the plasma leak off of one side and be evaporated by the heat of the light. This would increase the density of red blood cells in the slide view and I think that could create rouleaux as well. Again, this would be easy to test. When I followed up with the Live Blood Analyst, she was clear that the drops of blood on the slide used in my test were not large enough to reach the edge of the slide and there was no leakage.
A possible reason not to worry about rouleaux in your live blood analysis: (This is from the “Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses“)
“Rouleaux Formation
When a freshly drawn drop of blood is observed under microscope the red blood cells are seen adhered to eachother and arranged like a pile of coins. This is called rouleaux formation (Fig. 2.1). Fouleaus formation is influenced chielfly by fibrinogen and globulin. In circulation, the RBCs have negative charges on their surfaces, which repel eacother, thus preventing rouleau formation. “
Another tidbit of information has me even more at ease. One medical image I found had the following caption:
“This is pathologic rouleaux in contrast to normal stacking of red cells in a thick area of a normal blood smear. … Karolinska Institute Medical Images, 2003 “
SO… it seems there is pathologic rouleaux vs normal stacking of red blood cells (RBCs) in “a thick area” of a blood smear. Unfortunately the photo for the above caption was terrible, not at all useful to compare to my RBCs.
My examiner did say that my rouleaux pattern did not look like the one she had seen where someone had multiple myeloma, that it was something she frequently sees due to poor diet.
Will rouleaux appear in normal healthy blood?
Perhaps the area of the slide you are looking at will influence seeing rouleaux or not. I’d think that the edges of the drop would have the most RBCs and thus the most rouleaux. My Live Blood Analyst, who has done this for years, however, says my RBCs are sticking together because the proteins on them are abnormally sticky. She says they will stick inside of your body (in vivo) when something called the Zeta Potential drops.
In the body, the blood pressure and fluid motion makes red blood cells have negative charges when in circulation, so they repel each other.
“The concept Zeta potential is important to understand why the cells will maintain a certain distance from each other. Zeta potential refers to the repulsion between the red blood cells.It is due to an electric charge surrounding cells … It is cause by sialic acid groups on the red blood cell membrane which gives the cells a negative charge. “
I need to research this more.
Without further testing I won’t know if a dangerous health problem was responsible for my rouleaux, but I’m not convinced that what we saw under the slide was abnormal or unhealthy. I’ll get tested for abnormal proteins in my blood. According to my doctor, ESR (red blood cell sedimentation rate) is an old test used in the 1940’s (one site says, back to the ancient Greeks) before better tests became available. People with inflammation have their red blood cells form rouleaux and since groups of cells are heavier they settle in a tube faster and farther than those of healthy people. The ESR can show that disease may be present, but not which disease. Now they can probe for specific proteins (anti-bodies) and find the actual problem.
Meanwhile, I’ll try the krill oil and do some “liver cleaning”.
No supplement necessary. Rouleaux formation in the blood is caused by magnetism & EMF fields. As blood contains iron & iron responds to magnetism it causes the blood to stack together like mini-magnets. The solution: grounding yourself. Bare feet on the Earth (water increases the effect.)
Rubber soles in combination with electronic devices & minimal direct contact with the Earth has caused this buildup of magnetism. Grounding is the REAL answer, free & natural is the only way to go.
Funny, I’ve known about this for many years now & science is beginning to reveal it to the public.
Thanks for this comment, very interesting. I’ll check it out.
I found one claim of someone who was able to reverse it instantly, on the spot:
This makes me wonder if the way the blood is dropped onto the slide can cause realeaux.
Yeah, sure, EFT is pretty much a form of epigenetics… With enough willpower/mental focus & belief, it is most definitely possible. But grounding is in our nature to align our spiritual temples to the Earths frequency & therefore cannot be replaced by any modern science or technology. It’s simply necessity for spiritual clarity & a maximized mind/body connection (at least in my own experience & understanding.)
I’ve followed your blog for a year or two now & appreciate your work… If you get a chance check out my news page (although it’s through FB, 99.9% of my posts are news & my garden) http://www.facebook.com/REALnewsNOW & the group Inspirational Awareness on facebook. I’d love to see you there & get you opinions & comments.
Xeno: “This makes me wonder if the way the blood is dropped onto the slide can cause realeaux.”
Good point. I imagine it would depend on the strength of the EMF field put off by the light or electronics in the near by area.
In the same session I saw another person’s blood with the same equipment which would have been in the exact EMF field as mine and only my blood was sticky. She did say that blood starts out sticky, but mine stayed that way.
Lord Kelvins thunderstorm?
I have this condition. At the time it was discovered I had only been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. However within a year I was also diagnosed with lupus. That was about 12 years ago and over the years I have accumulated several more autoimmune diseases… sjogrens and rheumatoid arthritis are the newest acquisitions.
Cynthiane, your health conditions are strongly correlated with exposure to water damaged buildings and the attendant toxic mold growth. Chances are *extremely* good that where you live has hidden toxin-producing mold growth (my own house had a pipe leak inside a wall; no odor or appearance of mold.) I strongly suggest you look up the writings and web site of Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, and also seek out toxic mold groups on Facebook. These conditions, if caused by toxic exposure, can be reversed. Please note that there are molds that are harmless and do not produce toxins, and molds that are harmful and do produce toxins. The kind of mold we’re talking about is not due to “poor housekeeping,” but to water damage. Best to you.
see toxi.com and detoxi.org — see also youtubes by DR MAGDA HAVAS which show cellphone use causes rouleax — video length is under 5 minutes