This week in June 2024 I went on a prediction collecting spree. WIth help of human input from a costal community Listserv and a bit of A.I. processing, below is the result.
The years below are AI-identified, sometimes reluctantly, because it didn’t want to guess, but I insisted, just to get this format.
Add a comment for corrections, adjustments, late entries. Prefereably in the same format as below, pick a year, one line only, and something not already on the list.
Here is what those willing to add have collectively foreseen:
– Starlink reaches over 6,000 satellites in low Earth orbit, generates $6B revenue
– Pre-test ratings concerns over dementia cause first “deep fake” presidential debates
– FinalSpark puts 16 human brain organoids online for research-only use
– Presidential debates for the first time ever without a live audience
– Close presidential race, outcome uncalled for an extended time and confusion
– A civil war seems likely, with mass protests and fighting shown on the news
– A little known world organization, the Human Survival Authority, oversees recount
– Federal renewed criminalization of psychedelics and cannabis
– Rise of technologically sophisticated authoritarians threatens humanity
– A national trend sees people getting more polarized and divided
– Space-based radar sees body positions of everyone inside buildings
– A coastal community bucks the trend and becomes more tolerant with each other and cohesive
– A coastal community sees an opportunity, begins coming together in shared goals
– AI helps humans to understand causes of longstanding disagreements
– Rising inequality and reduced social mobility due to corporate influences
– Problems with fear-based price gouging enhancing destabilizing inflation
– Independent community communications systems spawn pockets of regional resilience
– Fuel prices reach record highs
– Labor shortages have businesses trouble attracting human talent
– Marine heatwaves, temporary but prolonged extreme rises in ocean temperature
– Food prices rise as production in the California Central Valley is hurt by water shortages
– Augmented Human Consciousness finds new solutions to longstanding problems
– Organoid intelligence (OI) is admitted to have rudimentary self-awareness
– Earliest identified date for AI singularity (runaway artificial intelligence)
– Heating causes the strongest ever hurricanes and other severe weather events
– The government’s response to increasing weather emergencies is slow to non-existent
– City regional resilience networks fill in critical gaps by coming to the aid of sister cities
– The Greenland Ice Sheet faces significant acceleration in ice loss
– Autonomous drones will deliver packages to our doorsteps
– An FDA whistleblower admits blocking effective products which hamper corporate profits
– Haptics stimulate touch, allowing users to feel and grasp what they see in virtual environments
– Personalized medicine based on our genetic profiles will be the norm
– Coral reefs undergo the fourth most extensive planet-wide bleaching event
– Earth changes cause unusual migration of species and die-off events
– Thousands of water wells in the Central Valley begin running dry
– Productivity is boosted as AI settles most human disputes
– Regulatory capture is dethroned, and corporations are stripped of personhood
– A worldwide trend emerges of learning real-world skills such as cheesemaking
– Neuroscience determines that free will is a capacity that varies in degree
– Civics and ethics are integrated into all curricula from grade school to college
– Invasive species thrive in warmer waters, taking over large areas of the seabed
– Silent input into smartphones with subvocalization
– Income tax has ended as it is acknowledged that a free person owns their own labor
– Ocean warming deprives the deep seas of oxygen, with devastating impacts on marine life
– New and different sea creatures are seen as Earth’s temperatures change
– AI which needs large amounts of water for cooling will compete with humans for water
– A nostalgia surge occurs for physical musical instruments played by actual humans
– Photonic processors do massive parallel processing using different wavelengths of light simultaneously, operating millions of times faster than electronic devices
– Nanotechnology-based treatments will cure cancer and other diseases
– A major ice sheet calving event occurs in West Antarctica
– Quantum computers will solve problems that classical computers cannot
– Teleportation of small objects will be achieved in the lab
– Augmented reality contact lenses will be commercially available
– Quantum radar will detect stealth aircraft and submarines
– Robots will perform household chores
– First commercially available Neuralink implants powered by Starlink satellites
– An escaped AI-enhanced bioweapon causes a devastating global pandemic
– Lab-grown silicon-enhanced brains create an organoid intelligence (OI) boom
– An immediate overwhelming advance in Artificial Intelligence occurs
– OI processors are one billion times more energy-efficient than silicon chips
– A human movement to free the OI slaves is put down
– Human brain organoids are modified to incorporate avian DNA
– Photonic processors are integrated into bird DNA organoid superminds
– The new Luddites diverge from the Star Children, a functionally different species
– Human brain-to-internet interfaces give a simulated hive mind
– Consciousness is expanded with the ability to share other people’s senses
– Interstellar probes are launched to explore nearby exoplanets
– Human population increase stops due to disease and weather challenges
– A bird DNA-enhanced race of human beings with IQs approaching 1,000 emerges
– Lab-grown meat becomes more common than any other protein in stores
– Successful control of skunks, bears, and mountain lions is achieved by Starlink satellites
– Cheap, comfortable, thin, non-weird AI glasses powered by light, heat, and motion do everything your phone and computer do now
– Zoomable high-definition 3D medical and dental x-rays with 76Ξm pixel resolution become available
– A breakthrough occurs in the elimination of tinnitus with non-invasive neuromodulation
– The ability to “remote in” mentally to devices and control them alone and in teams emerges
– Media monopolies are broken up, and a system is put in place to prevent them from re-forming
– Great new insights are gained from direct study of the universe by remote mind access to objects
– Genetically engineered super-crops will feed the world’s growing population
– Nanotechnology-based treatments cure cancer and other diseases
– Soldiers use exoskeletons to enhance battlefield performance
– Quantum computers break the encryption of current cryptocurrencies
– A cumulative sea level rise of 1.5 cm above the 2020 level occurs
– Vertical farming produces a significant portion of the world’s food supply
– Humans reliably turn off pain perception non-invasively with neuromodulation
– Metamaterials allow practical visible invisibility
– Mind uploading gives consciousness a home after the body ends
– Functionally immortal human minds travel to the stars, beginning new settlements
– A sports-like scoreboard of humanity-wide goals and progress dominates the news
– A massive cleanup of the oceans begins with new AI-assisted technologies
– High-definition tomograph scan can determine molecular makeup, identify proteins
– Molecular manufacturing will enable the assembly of complex products atom-by-atom
– The pharma business model is revealed: drugs that mask symptoms ensure future customers
– Most products are now produced by tireless, self-repairing robots
– Ibis-headed ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs are attributed to time-traveling enhanced humans
– Safe high-res medical images are obtained via quantum-enhanced low x-ray dose “ghost imaging”
– The first holodeck-type library of human lives and experiences is built and shared
– The first publicly admitted manned underground base on the moon is established
– The ability to grow new limbs emerges, with extra arms added as status symbols
– Reliving recorded experiences of great men and women becomes part of cultural education
– Major breakthrough in neutrino detection and perturbation
– First operational space elevator
– Tomoscans of localized immune responses diagnose infections without invasive procedures
– Brain-to-brain communication allows us to share thoughts and memories
– Nanobots perform medical procedures inside our bodies
– The last gasoline-powered car comes off the assembly line
– Autonomous drones deliver packages to our doorsteps
– The first battle in space occurs, destroys space elevator
– Brain-computer interfaces allow us to control devices with our thoughts
– Doctors successfully transplant a lab-grown human heart
– The first publicly admitted artificial general intelligence (AGI) joins the internet
– Human-like self-awareness is explained by AGI, reproduced as interoceptive models
– Self-aware toys make a splash as holiday gifts
– Nanobots less than 100 nm deliver mRNA-based cancer treatments, including to the brain
– AGI improving itself leads to the first admitted artificial superintelligence (ASI)
– The ASI becomes an accepted advisor to all world leaders
– Armored invisibility suits that can fly
– Personal tricorders show molecular ingredients of everything
– The first self-improving probes to determine alien hostility are sent to distant exoplanets
– Passive energy-powered nano-neural implants connect humans to the AI internet
– The ability to re-grow human teeth emerges with odontoblast-generating dental pulp stem cells
– An AGI is elected president after solving world problems and winning debates
– Neutrinos enable a harmless, EMF-free world-wide communication system
– Artificial general intelligence (AGI) surpasses human intelligence
– Genetically engineered super-crops feed the world’s growing population
– Renewable energy sources surpass fossil fuels in electricity generation
– Holographic displays replace traditional screens
– We fly the friendly skies without pilots onboard
– Ingredient labels are obsolete making containers on store shelves look artfully alien
– The prediction that oceans would be “empty of fish” by this date proves false
– Admission bio-molecular oxidative damage from EMF communications was hushed up
– Space elevator rebuilt with robust defensive capabilities and exclusion zones
– Release of frozen methane under Arctic Ocean speeding planetary warming
– Molecular manufacturing enables the assembly of complex products atom-by-atom
– Nanotechnology-based treatments cure cancer and other diseases
– A Dyson swarm of self-replicating and self-repairing solar energy collectors launched
– GMO methanotrophs (methane-eating bacteria) released into the atmosphere slow global warming
– Artificial wombs allow babies to develop outside the human body
– Interstellar probes are launched to explore nearby exoplanets
– Flying cars, finally
– Earth’s temperatures still increasing, cooling is planet’s largest energy expense
– Fusion-powered cities provide clean, abundant energy
– Genetically engineered super-crops feed the world’s growing population
– Robots perform surgery with superhuman precision
– Asteroid mining becomes a trillion-dollar industry
– A 10-year extension of human lifespan is achieved through therapeutic interventions
– Digital data (texts, songs, etc.) is zapped directly into our brains
– Artificial photosynthesis produces clean fuel from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
– We activate the first fusion power plants
– The Dyson swarm beams energy to earth in a harmless form, upgrading civilization
– Safe genomic interventions reverse most hallmarks of aging
– Systems using the Dyson solar power terraform Earth back to friendly temperatures
– Space travel becomes as affordable as a round-the-world plane ticket
– Fusion-powered spacecraft enable interplanetary travel
– Artificial general intelligence (AGI) surpasses human intelligence
– The latest expected date for AI singularity (runaway artificial intelligence)
– Human lunar base dwellers are dramatically genetically enhanced to live 200 years
– The first pet pigmy woolly mammoths emerge
– Sea level rise accelerates further, reaching up to 1.1 m (~3 feet) higher, flooding coastal areas
– Up to 80% of fish species are lost in the Pacific Ocean
– The human lunar base becomes self-sustaining, declaring independence from Earth
– Spacefaring “Homo sapiens technologicus” becomes a distinct species
– The first genuine hive mind, a true collective consciousness, becomes joinable
– The largest minds live close to the sun to collect enough power to drive their planet-sized brains
– Thinking machines populate the icy moons of the gas giants and the dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt and the Oort cloud, utilizing fusion from water ice for power
– An interstellar probe brings destruction, only averted by reunification of the Homo sapiens species