A Swedish man has taken a stand against sausage labeling, reporting a local charcuterie to the Consumer Agency (Konsumentverket) for what he claims is an outrageous meat content claim. The man, who bought his sausages at a ski resort in Åre, was baffled to find that the label boasted a staggering **104 percent meat content**.
In his complaint, he expressed disbelief that any product could contain more than 100 percent of an ingredient, especially since the label also listed other components. “Personally I can’t accept that anything contains over 100 percent,” he stated, highlighting the absurdity of the claim.
After questioning the shop about how the meat percentage could exceed 100, he was informed that the production process requires more meat than what ultimately makes it into the finished sausage. Unconvinced by this explanation, he escalated the issue to the consumer watchdog agency, as reported by Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet.
At Trångsvikens Chark AB, the company responsible for the sausages, CEO Marcus Färnström acknowledged that their labeling could indeed be misleading. He clarified that the figure actually means **104 grams of meat are used for every 100 grams of sausage** produced. “Of course there is a different way to declare the ingredients and perhaps that is what we’re going to have to do,” he admitted to local newspaper Länstidningen Östersund.
This quirky incident raises questions about food labeling practices and consumer rights in Sweden, where strict regulations aim to protect buyers from misleading information. As this story unfolds, it serves as a reminder that sometimes, even sausages can stir up a meaty debate!
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[1] https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/the-swedish-consumer-agency-investigates-and-fines-companies-for-false-advertisement/73280