In a world plagued by ongoing conflicts and the ever-present threat of war, the international community must prioritize preventive measures to avoid the devastating consequences...
Track II diplomacy refers to the practice of engaging non-state actors in informal and unofficial dialogues aimed at resolving conflicts and building trust between adversarial...
Diplomacy is a complex and delicate art form that aims to build understanding, resolve conflicts, and foster cooperation between different nations or groups. While there...
Cultural exchange programs serve as vital instruments in fostering understanding and reducing tensions between nations. By promoting cross-cultural interactions, these initiatives humanize the “other side,”...
Growing global tensions have led to increased speculation about the possibility of a third World War, particularly in light of conflicts involving major powers. The...
Throughout history, competition for natural resources has been a significant catalyst for conflict among humans. Wars have often erupted over essential commodities such as water,...
Annie Jacobsen is an investigative journalist and author of “Nuclear War: A Scenario” and many other books on war, weapons, government secrecy, and national...
Influence Operations Overview Influence operations, particularly in the digital age, involve strategic efforts to shape perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors through various means, including social media...