California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a law banning plastic bags at grocery stores, marking a significant step in the state’s ongoing efforts to...
In an age where information is at our fingertips, the way we search for and consume knowledge has transformed dramatically. However, with this convenience...
Quantum dots, tiny semiconductor particles that emit light in various colors, are emerging as a groundbreaking technology with the potential to revolutionize multiple fields and...
California’s Digital Replica Bill (AB 1836), recently passed by the state Senate, aims to regulate the use of AI-generated likenesses of deceased performers in media....
After exploring major world conflicts and their root causes, this article concludes that short of an overnight global change in human nature, the wars unfolding...
The European Union has stringent regulations banning or restricting various substances in food and personal care products due to safety concerns, while these same substances...
Here are the top 10 key questions that fuel conflicts among Americans: 1. How should the government address inflation and the affordability of health care?...
Let’s get this clear. First, calling something “debunked” or “misinformation” or “discredited information” does not actually make it so. Calling something “misinformation” can itself be...