Aliens OdditiesAlien-Like Being Born From A Cow In ThailandHob NinvarJune 12, 2008March 1, 2024 by Hob NinvarMarch 1, 2024March 1, 20247 639 In a small town in Thailand, a discovery that seems ripped straight from the pages of an X-Files script has the locals and the curious...
AliensVatican: It’s OK for Catholics to Believe in AliensRajhe FatelleMay 14, 2008October 23, 2023 by Rajhe FatelleOctober 23, 2023October 23, 20230228 Beliving alien life forms exist is not contradictory to having faith in God according to the top astronomer at the Vatican. In a Vatican newspaper...
Aliens OdditiesGod Microbes: What Are Humunculirians?XenoMarch 1, 2008November 15, 2023 by XenoNovember 15, 2023November 15, 20231128 Today February 28, 2008, the truth was revealed to me by God in a vision. Or perhaps this was just a daydream, but anyway, God...
Aliens OdditiesCattle Mutilations: Radiation Monitoring Program?Staff ReporterNovember 13, 2006November 11, 2023 by Staff ReporterNovember 11, 2023November 11, 20232 257 I once happened onto an unusual scene, a possible mysterious cattle mutilation up near Mount Shasta a few years ago. A few park rangers were...
Aliens ParanormalUFO Mysteries with (Supposed) Human OriginsRajhe FatelleMarch 22, 2006October 23, 2023 by Rajhe FatelleOctober 23, 2023October 23, 20230297 What UFO sightings were later determined to be of human origin? Below, for what it is worth, is sort of the official word: major world...
AliensMake Your Own Aliens, No ReallyClark TelleNovember 14, 2005June 7, 2024 by Clark TelleJune 7, 2024June 7, 20240164 Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round and prepare to have your minds expanded beyond the confines of our terrestrial understanding. Tonight, we delve into a...
Aliens OdditiesExtraterrestrial Images on the Step Pyramid Saqqara, Egypt?Trent GordonAugust 26, 2005September 2, 2024 by Trent GordonSeptember 2, 2024September 2, 20247 178 Theories on Alien Presence in Human Civilization The idea that aliens may have been among us since the dawn of civilization is a captivating topic...
AliensAt One Time You Could Talk to Aliens for $3.99 per MinuteTrent GordonMarch 11, 2005March 30, 2024 by Trent GordonMarch 30, 2024March 30, 20242 167 Once upon a time now forgotten, a web site called was launched that allowed anyone to dial a premium rate US number and...