A study has shed light on an extraordinary case of hyperthymesia, a condition where an individual possesses an uncanny ability to remember every single detail...
El Chupacabra, often referred to as the “Goat Sucker,” is a mysterious creature that has sparked fear and fascination among people for decades. This creature...
Here is an interesting list (generated November 2023) of 520 things (with some overlaps) which an artifical intelligence “thinks” we humans might do to prevent...
Crepuscular rays, also known as sunrays or sun shadow beams, are a beautiful natural phenomenon that occur when sunlight passes through gaps in clouds or...
Here are a few real-world examples in governance decisions where understanding the Monty Hall Problem will improve the odds of making good decisions, those with...
Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is an elusive creature that has captured the fascination of many for decades. While there have been numerous reported sightings...
Entering the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) state of sleep during periods of wakefulness can be a very strange experience. This is known as REM intrusion....