Nuclear Thermal Rockets: The Future of Space Exploration
How They Work
Nuclear thermal rockets (NTRs) utilize the heat generated from nuclear fission to propel spacecraft. By heating a liquid propellant, typically liquid hydrogen, in a nuclear reactor, NTRs can achieve significantly higher efficiency compared to traditional chemical rockets.
Speed and Duration
Nuclear thermal rockets can potentially reduce travel time to Mars from eight months to approximately six weeks. They are designed for long-duration missions, making them suitable for deep space exploration. Less time traveling in space is critical to reduce supplies needed and exposure to radiation.
Current Development and Testing
Who Has Them?
The United States has historically led the development of NTR technology, with programs like NERVA in the 1960s. Recent initiatives, such as DARPA’s Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO), are underway, aiming for a launch around 2027. Other countries, including Russia, also have been exploring nuclear propulsion technologies.
Testing History
The United States conducted extensive research and testing of NTRs from the 1950s through the 1970s under the Rover and NERVA programs[1]. Over 20 different reactors were built and ground tested during this period.
The Soviet Union also had an active NTR program starting in the 1950s. They ground tested several small prototype reactors, including the RD-0410 in 1971.
The closest either the US or USSR came to flying an NTR was:
- In 1965, the US launched the SNAP-10A reactor on a suborbital test flight, but it did not operate in space.
- The Soviet Union launched several small nuclear reactors into orbit in the 1960s and 1970s for experimental purposes, but they were not used to propel a spacecraft.
Russia’s Burevestnik Missile: A New Threat
Russia’s 9M730 Burevestnik, known as SSC-X-9 Skyfall, is a nuclear-powered cruise missile claimed to have an “almost unlimited range” due to its unique propulsion system, which utilizes a miniature nuclear reactor. The Burevestnik’s development began after the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2001, with the aim of countering U.S. missile defense systems. It is designed to evade conventional missile defenses, with a reported range of approximately 15,000 miles, surpassing many existing ICBMs. For reference, the straight line distance from Moscow to Washington D.C. is about 4,873 miles (7,842 km).
Recent satellite imagery suggests a probable deployment site for the Burevestnik near Moscow. However, experts express skepticism about its effectiveness, noting a troubled testing history with only partial success in a few tests since 2016.
Flight Tests: Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on October 5, 2023, that the Burevestnik had been successfully flight tested.
However, Western media have expressed skepticism regarding these claims, noting a lack of independent verification of the missile’s operational status. With Deep Fakes and A.I. any picture of the missile flying would not mean much these days, we assume.
- Testing History: Since its inception, the Burevestnik has undergone at least 13 known tests, with only two partial successes reported. This suggests a challenging development process.
- Nyonoksa Incident: A significant incident occurred on August 8, 2019, when a nuclear accident during a test resulted in the deaths of several scientists. This event has been linked to the Burevestnik’s development, although some experts dispute its direct connection.
In summary, while the Burevestnik has been tested and is claimed to have flown, the reliability of these tests and the missile’s operational status remain contentious topics, with many experts questioning its effectiveness and the claims made by Russian officials.
- Length at Launch: The Burevestnik measures approximately 12 meters (about 39 feet) in length when launched[10].
- Length During Flight: Once in flight, its length is estimated to reduce to between 9 and 11 meters (approximately 29 to 36 feet) due to aerodynamic adjustments.
- Diameter: The missile has a diameter of about 0.5 meters (approximately 1.6 feet)[11]
- Wing Configuration: Unlike the Kh-101 cruise missile, which has its wings positioned at the bottom, the Burevestnik features wings located on the upper part of the fuselage. This design is intended to enhance its stealth capabilities and reduce its radar signature.
- Nose Shape: The missile’s nose is elliptical, measuring approximately 1 meter by 1.5 meters
The Reactor
This propulsion system is designed to utilize a pulsed nuclear air-breathing engine, which heats atmospheric air to generate thrust. The reactor, however, is unshielded, raising concerns about safety and potential radioactive emissions during operation. The engine operates in a pulsed manner, where each cycle involves the injection of air, heating it via the reactor, and then expelling the hot air to produce thrust. This cycle can occur rapidly, allowing for sustained propulsion.
Creating a nuclear reactor that is small enough for applications like the 9M730 Burevestnik’s propulsion system involves several engineering innovations and design principles. The reactor’s size and weight were not available. The smallest possible weight for a pulsed nuclear air-breathing engine depends on several factors:
- Power output requirements: The engine needs enough power to propel the vehicle at the desired speed and altitude. Higher power means heavier components.
- Fuel type: Using a high-energy fuel like highly enriched uranium allows for a smaller core size and less shielding. However, this raises safety and proliferation concerns.
- Reactor design: Compact designs like vapor core reactors can reduce weight compared to solid core reactors. The NVTR design has a critical mass of only 20 kg
- Shielding: Radiation shielding is a major component of the engine’s weight. Minimizing shield mass is critical for reducing overall weight.
Specific Examples
- The Soviet US-A reactor had a thermal output of 100 kW (134 hp) using a vapor cycle hot piston engine. This could provide enough power to propel a vehicle from 0-60 mph, but with a 0-60 time of around 25 seconds.
- The SNAP-10 reactor used in the US had an electrical output of only 600 watts (0.8 hp). This is far too low to propel a vehicle.
- The test reactor for Project Pluto, a nuclear ramjet missile, had a thermal output of 513 MW and weighed 18,500 lbs (8,400 kg). While powerful, this is far too heavy for a practical vehicle.
In summary, while very compact nuclear reactor designs are possible, the weight of the shielding required to operate one safely makes a pulsed nuclear air-breathing engine impractical for vehicle propulsion. The power output would be insufficient or the weight prohibitive. Significant breakthroughs in shielding technology would be needed to make such an engine viable for vehicles.
Concerns About Radioactivity
From a military standpoint, the decision-making process often involves weighing strategic objectives against potential losses.
The Complex Ethics of Warfare
The notion of collateral damage in warfare, particularly in the context of nuclear conflict, raises profound ethical and moral questions. The idea that a military strategist might consider the loss of a significant portion of a population—such as 10% due to cancer from radioactive fallout—as acceptable is a chilling reflection of the cold calculus often employed in military planning.
Open-Loop vs Closed-Loop Design
- In an open-loop nuclear ramjet design, the incoming air flows directly through the reactor to extract heat and provide thrust. This would result in radioactive particulate matter being expelled in the exhaust.
- A closed-loop system, where the reactor is isolated from the airflow by a heat exchanger, could potentially reduce radioactive contamination in the exhaust. However, the heat exchanger adds complexity and weight to the system.
The Burevestnik missile’s nuclear propulsion system design is a subject of speculation, but it likely uses an open-loop configuration that could result in radioactive exhaust
Radioactive Particulates
- During the development of the U.S. Project Pluto in the 1950s and 60s, nuclear ramjet tests showed that the reactor would degrade over time and produce radioactive particulate matter in the exhaust.
Did Russia Solve the (Light Weight) Radiation Shielding Problem?
Current analysis states that the Burevestnik missile remains a high-risk, high-cost project for Russia, with unresolved radiation shielding issues that could have severe environmental consequences if deployed. The missile’s strategic value is questionable, and its potential deployment could intensify global security tensions while putting the environment and local populations at risk.
The Burevestnik has been called it a flying Chernobyl which has the potential to cause radiation damage to Russians if used[2]. There are significant concerns regarding potential radiation leaks during its operation. While engineers may have developed solutions to mitigate these risks, the possibility of contamination along its flight path remains a critical issue. The Burevestnik’s potential deployment near the Vologda-20 nuclear warhead storage facility, about 295 miles north of Moscow, raises concerns about the environmental impact in the event of an accident or malfunction.
While the Burevestnik is presented as a revolutionary weapon, analysts argue that its operational effectiveness may be limited. Its subsonic speed could make it detectable, and the risks associated with its nuclear propulsion system complicate its deployment in conflict scenarios.
Ideally, nuclear thermal rockets would all be designed to minimize radioactivity during operation. The reactors would not be activated until in space, ensuring no significant radiation risk during ascent from Earth.
Nuclear thermal rockets offer exciting possibilities for space exploration, potentially enabling humanity to reach new frontiers. However, the development of nuclear weapons like the Burevestnik highlights the dual-edged nature of nuclear technology. As we advance in our capabilities, it is crucial to prioritize safety and ethical considerations to ensure a future that benefits all of humanity.
Read More
[1] https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/current-and-future-generation/outline-history-of-nuclear-energy
[2] https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/09/03/russia-nuclear-cruise-missile-burevestnik-skyfall/?tpcc=recirc_latest062921
[3] https://www.travelmath.com/distance/from/Washington,%2BDC/to/Moscow,%2BRussia
[4] https://www.airmilescalculator.com/distance/iad-to-svo/
[5] https://www.travelmath.com/distance/from/Moscow,%2BRussia/to/Washington,%2BDC
[6] https://www.distance.to/Washington/Moscow
[7] https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/nuclear-fuel-cycle/nuclear-power-reactors/nuclear-power-reactors
[8] https://www.freemaptools.com/how-far-is-it-between-moscow_-russia-and-washington-dc_-usa.htm
[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9M730_Burevestnik
[10] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/russia-claims-to-have-successfully-tested-its-nuclear-powered-nuclear-armed-cruise-missile-all-you-need-to-know-about-9m730-burevestnik/articleshow/104221941.cms
[11] https://armyrecognition.com/news/army-news/2023/russia-to-test-burevestnik-nuclear-missile-toward-barents-sea