Update: Thursday March 13, 2025. Autoscroll added. Now the available items below are planted among this site’s web pages and will appear under the compass rose navigation if you happen upon one. If you find one that way, you can click and it should scroll straight to it. Works on non-mobile devices anyway. For items here: Prices are generally 1/2 off the lowest price for a similar item I could find on Amazon. Free if no price is given. Typically free delivery to Mendocino and Fort Bragg, CA area locations. For others, there may be a shipping cost. If you want to use a phone number, enter it in this format: 7078675309@callme.com for your email. Your contact info is used only for the purpose of this Stuff Claiming app. I will add more stuff over the next few weeks.
If you only see about 4 items (some devices), scroll the window above to find the rest that are hidden in a scrolling window. Perhaps everyone should have a no-cost personal store like this for selling and giving away items.