There is good evidence to suggest that deep fakes can fool almost anyone, indicating their high-quality and deceptive nature. In 2023, real-time video filters can do amazing things, including making older people on TikTok appear to be teenagers again. This still is from a video, from Mark Dice on YouTube.
1. Online surveys and experiments
Numerous online surveys and experiments have been conducted to measure the effectiveness of deep fakes in fooling people. For instance, in 2019, a BuzzFeed News experiment asked participants to distinguish between real and deep fake videos of politicians. Many participants were unable to distinguish the deep fakes, clearly demonstrating their convincing nature.
2. Deepfake applications and viral instances
Deep fake applications and viral instances that fool a large number of people also showcase their capability to deceive almost anyone. Examples include the popular FaceApp, which can alter facial expressions and age, and the deep fake videos featuring actor Tom Cruise that gained significant attention. Many examples are available on YouTube for any who doubt the scary realism of deep fake videos.
3. Quality improvements over time
Deep fake technology has made significant advancements, particularly in terms of quality and realism. Improved algorithms, data availability, and computing power have contributed to the development of highly convincing deep fakes that can trick even experts. The rapid progress in generating deceptive content suggests their potential to fool a wide range of people.
4. Forensic analysis difficulties
The difficulty in conducting forensic analysis to identify deep fakes further supports the notion that they can fool almost anyone. Advanced deep fake techniques can make videos difficult to detect using traditional methods, such as analyzing artifacts or inconsistencies, posing a challenge for experts and laypersons alike.
5. Real-world consequences
The real-world consequences of deep fakes, such as misinformation, manipulation, and damage to individuals’ reputations, indicate their ability to deceive almost anyone. Deep fake technology has been employed in various contexts, including politics, journalism, and revenge porn, resulting in significant impacts and highlighting their effectiveness in fooling the general public.
While it is important to note that not everyone may be fooled by deep fakes, the evidence suggests that their potential to deceive a wide range of viewers is significant, making them a significant concern for society.