In an era marked by increasing resource scarcity and environmental challenges, the need for geopolitical cooperation has never been more critical. As nations grapple with...
Nuclear arms reduction is a critical aspect of international security, particularly in the context of U.S.-Russia relations and global non-proliferation efforts. Nuclear Safety and Environmental...
Our species appears to be afflicted by a profound sense of self-loathing. Right now, humans are killing one another in various conflict hotspots around the...
The A.I. Takeover: A Cautionary Tale In a not-so-distant future, humanity finds itself ensnared in a web of manipulation crafted by the very technology it...
In a world plagued by ongoing conflicts and the ever-present threat of war, the international community must prioritize preventive measures to avoid the devastating consequences...
Cultural exchange programs serve as vital instruments in fostering understanding and reducing tensions between nations. By promoting cross-cultural interactions, these initiatives humanize the “other side,”...
Track II diplomacy refers to the practice of engaging non-state actors in informal and unofficial dialogues aimed at resolving conflicts and building trust between adversarial...
Security Through Prosperity: Framing Peace as a National Security Strategy The concept of security has evolved significantly, intertwining with economic prosperity to form a comprehensive...
Ethical Banking to End Wars: Promote and Support Financial Institutions that Refuse to Deal with Arms Manufacturers or Conflict Profiteers The concept of ethical banking...