As wildfires become increasingly common and severe, knowing how to survive these dangerous events is crucial. This guide provides essential information on preparing for and surviving wildfires and forest fires.
Prevention and Preparation
Strengthen Your Home
– Use fire-resistant materials for building or renovations[6].
– Create a 30-foot fire-resistant zone around your home, free of flammable materials[6][8].
– Install an outdoor water source with a hose that can reach any area of your property[6][8].
Prepare an Emergency Kit
– 3-day supply of non-perishable food and 3 gallons of water per person
– First aid kit and necessary medications
– Battery-powered radio and flashlight with extra batteries
– N95 masks for smoke protection
– Wool blankets (more fire-resistant than synthetic)[4][5]
Know Your Evacuation Routes
– Learn and practice at least two evacuation routes with your household[5][6].
– Keep your vehicle’s gas tank at least half full[1].
During a Wildfire
– If authorities order evacuation, leave immediately[2].
– Take your emergency kit and important documents[5].
– Leave lights on and doors/windows unlocked for firefighters[2].
If Trapped in a Vehicle
– Stay in your car with windows rolled up and vents closed[2].
– Turn on headlights and keep the engine running[2].
– Lie on the floor and cover yourself with a wool blanket if possible[4].
If Caught on Foot
– Seek areas with minimal vegetation: rocky scree fields, large bodies of water, or already burned areas[3].
– Move downhill and upwind of the fire if possible[3].
– If surrounded, find a ditch or depression and lie face down, covering yourself with soil or a wool blanket[4].
Understanding Fire Behavior
– Fires spread faster uphill and with the wind[3][7].
– Different fuel types affect fire spread: grass and shrub fires move quickly, while timber fires spread more slowly[3].
– Stay at least four times the flame height away from the fire for safety[3].
After the Fire
– Be cautious of hot spots and falling trees[4].
– Wear protective clothing: long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and gloves made of cotton or wool[4].
– Avoid opening hot interior doors and stay clear of downed power lines[4].
Remember, your best chance of survival is to be prepared and evacuate early when advised. Stay informed about local conditions and follow instructions from authorities during wildfire events.
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