Search Results for: climate mitigation

News i8 // Function to disable jQuery Mousewheel plugin function disableMouseWheel() { // Unbind the mousewheel event from all elements $(document).off("mousewheel"); $(document).off("DOMMouseScroll"); // For Firefox support } // Call the function to disable mouse wheel functionality disableMouseWheel(); $(window).on('load', function() { disableMouseWheel(); // Disable again after all scripts have loaded }); // Function to check if jQuery Mousewheel plugin is loaded function isMouseWheelLoaded() { return typeof jQuery.event.special.mousewheel !== 'undefined'; } // Usage if (isMouseWheelLoaded()) { console.log("WARNING: CloudFlare jQuery Mousewheel spyware plugin is loaded."); } else { console.log("GREAT: CloudFlare spyware jQuery Mousewheel plugin is NOT loaded."); } // Function to remove unwanted event listeners function removeUnwantedListeners() { // List of events you want to monitor const events = ['click', 'mousemove', 'keydown', 'wheel']; // Add more as needed events.forEach(event => { document.removeEventListener(event, handleEvent); }); } // Function to handle events (placeholder) function handleEvent(e) { console.log(`Event ${e.type} triggered`); } // Function to monitor DOM changes function monitorDOMChanges() { const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { // Check if the node is a script tag if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName === 'SCRIPT') { const scriptSrc = node.src || ''; // Check if the script is from an external domain if (!scriptSrc.includes(window.location.hostname)) { console.warn(`External script detected: ${scriptSrc}`); removeUnwantedListeners(); // Remove unwanted listeners } } }); }); }); // Start observing the document body for child nodes observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } // Start monitoring the DOM when the document is ready document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { monitorDOMChanges(); });