In the first 2024 presidential debate, both candidates accused the eachother of risking global conflict with his existing or intended policies. Since projections show that...
In the early 2020s, moral injury emerged as one of the explanations for the wave of employee resignations across industries. Moral injury occurs when an...
Surveillance Capitalism is a term coined by Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff to describe a new economic order that claims human experience as free raw material...
In today’s digital era, the erosion of online privacy has emerged as a pressing issue, with both individuals and entities facing heightened risks of data...
The Five Pillars of Civilization are commonly believed to be the foundations upon which human societies have developed and thrived throughout history. These pillars represent...
In order to ensure the long-term survival of Homo sapiens, we need to focus on making changes in various sectors. Here are some practical suggestions...