In a strange and unsettling turn of events, villagers in Fengzhang village, Xiping township, flocked to the home of Feng Changlin after news of a peculiar piglet spread. According to Feng, the piglet in question is truly surprising, with a monkey-like appearance that includes two thin lips, a small nose, and large eyes. To make matters even more bizarre, the piglet’s rear legs are significantly longer than its forelegs, causing it to jump instead of walk. Fengzhang village is part of Fenghua District in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China.
Feng’s wife, who was equally shocked by the piglet’s appearance, revealed that it was one of five newborns from a sow that the family had raised for nine years. “I was really frightened when I first saw it,” she admitted. “But our son likes to play with it and even feeds it milk, so we haven’t gotten rid of it yet.”
Despite the piglet’s frightening appearance, neighbors have urged the couple to keep it and observe how it develops as it matures. With its unique features and strange behavior, this monkey-faced piglet is certainly causing quite a stir in the community. Only time will tell if the piglet’s appearance will change as it grows older, but for now, it remains a curious and unsettling sight for all who see it.
Okay, wow. That’s some mutation. Human-pig hybrid embryos have been approved in the UK. How about China?
NOTE: China is a leader in pig genetics.
Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Danish Committee of Pig Breeding and Production (DCPBP) jointly announce the public release of pig genomic sequences. The released sequence data include 3.84 million pieces of the genomes of five different domestic pig breeds from Europe and China. The data are generated from the first large scale pig genome sequencing effort, the Sino-Danish Pig Genome Project, started in 2001 on the basis of a long standing collaboration of scientists and research institutions from China and Denmark. – continues on science daily
Thanks to SilviusMD for pointing out that this is the result of a neurological-facial malformation called Holoprosencephaly. “The cause is thought to be a genetic alteration, in this case probably due to environmental exposure to certain chemicals.”
Homer’s Cyclops
With some trepeidation, I did a google image search for “Holoprosencephaly” and found some Cyclops looking individuals. One startling photo showed baby with its two eyes in a central eye socket … and no nose. So, it’s not just pigs. This happens occasionally in humans too. This same developmental disorder caused the cyclops kitten you may have seen a while back. Holoprosencephaly is primarily caused by mutations in several key genes related to brain development, with SHH, ZIC2, SIX3, and TGIF1 being the most notable. Mutation causing factors in the environment are also implicated.
It would be interesting to figure out which chemicals might have caused this… but keep in mind that legends of a Cyclops goes way back, so modern pollutants can’t be the only cause. Yes, I think Cyclopes were real.
Hesiod describes one group of cyclopes and Homer describes another. In Hesiod’s Theogony, Zeus releases three Cyclopes, the sons of Uranus and Gaia, from the dark pit of Tartarus. They provide Zeus’s thunderbolt, Hades’ helmet of invisibility, and Poseidon’s trident, and the gods use these weapons to defeat the Titans. In a famous episode of Homer‘s Odyssey, the hero Odysseus encounters the Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon and a nereid (Thoosa), who lives with his fellow Cyclopes in a distant country. The connection between the two groups has been debated in antiquity and by modern scholars.[2]
This from Science Daily:
Homer’s Cyclops might be myth, but a disorder that can cause babies to be born with only one eye is very real. Scientists from Cleveland, Ohio, and Paris, France, reached an important milestone in understanding one of the molecular causes of a rare, but serious birth defect, Holoprosencephaly. …a known mutation of the TG interacting factor (TGIF) gene, called TGIF.P63R, causes Holoprosencephaly, which affects brain and skull formation. In particular, researchers found that this mutation not only does not produce the protein necessary for healthy fetal development, but the mutant protein may actually destroy the small amounts of the normal protein that is needed. … Holoprosencephaly occurs when the embryonic forebrain fails to divide into the two lobes that make up the cerebral hemispheres. As a result, people with this disorder have a single-lobed brain structure and severe skull and facial defects. In most cases, the disorder is so severe that fetuses die before birth. In relatively “mild” cases, babies may be born with near-normal brain development, but they usually have facial deformities affecting the eyes, nose, and/or upper lip
For the curious: Could a monkey and a pig mate and have an offspring? No. Except when humans mess with their DNA, animals with different numbers of chromosomes can not produce offspring. Here are some chromosome numbers from wikipedia:
Species | # | Species | # |
Common fruit fly | 8 | Guinea Pig | 64 |
Dove | 16 | Garden snail | 54 |
Earthworm | 36 | Tibetan fox | 36 |
Domestic cat | 38 | Domestic pig | 38 |
Lab mouse | 40 | Lab rat | 42 |
Rabbit | 44 | Syrian hamster | 44 |
Hare | 46 | Human | 46 |
Gorilla, Orangutan, Chimpanzee |
48 | Domestic sheep | 54 |
Elephant | 56 | Cow | 60 |
Donkey | 62 | Horse | 64 |
Dog | 78 | Kingfisher | 132 |
Goldfish | 100-104 | Silkworm | 56 |
A tiger has 66 chromosomes. What about a pig and a cat? Both domestic cats and domestic pigs have had their entire genome sequenced.
ANSWER: Chromosome number is not the only reproductive barrier between species. Even if a human could mate with a hare, Bugs Bunny would not result.
When they meet, the chromosomes from one parent need to be similar enough to those from the other parent, so that when their genes combine, they produce something that lives. While the human and the hare each have 23 pairs of chromosomes, there is not enough of a match up.
Review: Chromosomes contain pairs of DNA molecules. Each human egg or sperm contains 2.85 billion DNA base pairs in 23 separate chromosomes. Each human chromosome has from 50 million to 250 million DNA pairs. A “gene” is a group of DNA pairs on a chromosome. Humans may have as few as 20,000 genes.
Here is a picture of human male chromosomes:
I haven’t found any photos of hare chromosomes… yet.
Update: He is a year older now and still seems to be doing well. The london paper had these new photos. Interesting, that a genetic mutation can make a pig face look similar to a monkey face.
Little hint about evolution, isn’t it? I’m not saying a pig can evolve into a monkey, but this interesting genetic error shows that all mammals share genes and mutations can cause quite different looking animals over a long span of time. Mammals have been around for about 200 million years. (Imagine you live to be 80 years old 2 million 500 thousand times…) That’s a looooooooong time and a lot of mutations.
Wow, that’s some pig.
That’s not a piglet-monkey dna experiment it’s probably just a piglet with a neurological-facial malformation called Holoprosencephaly. The cause is thought to be a genetic alteration, in this case probably due to environmental exposure to certain chemicals.
They had to do it with a pig and a monkey. They couldn’t do it with a pig and an elephant, because everyone know’s the Loverboy song, pig and elephant DNA just won’t splice.
Thanks very much Silvius! Indeed. I just saw a photo of a human baby with the same condition [WARNING: may disturb some people]. Obviously the same thing.
It looks sad. I hope it is not suffering. 🙁
So you’re saying the garden snail and the domestic sheep, both 54, could produce offspring?
Sneep are quite uncommon…
And we could only cross-breed with rabbits? Wow. Would make the walk to walk shorter 🙂
Sorry 🙂
or “walk to work” even. Gah.
The sterility is attributed to the differing number of chromosomes of the two species: donkeys have 62 chromosomes, whereas horses have 64.
Mules have been bred for thousands of years, far before humanity’s ability to screw with genes.
Among mammals, closely related species can occasionally mate and give birth hybrids. However, the resulting progeny is usually screwed up, due to an unusual proportions of expressed proteins.
If there is a different number of chromosomes between the two species, then the male progeny is usually sterile, since meiosis fails, and sperm formation lacks the quality control that ova production has.
The resulting generations of parent species X hybrids are usually even worst off.
oh… this little guy makes me sad. the craziest thing about pigs is supposed to be how they can herd sheep by talking to them or how they make friends with wise little spiders named charlotte.
That thing is so ugly. It’s sad. You just want to cuddle it, then throw up. The science side of it is pretty cool, though!
i thought the same exact thing as u …its kinda cute in a freaky repulsive way.
poor piglet. he lokos so sad in the 3rd picture. somebody bring him to me so i can cuddle and love him. 🙁
“the sons of Uranus and Gaia, from the dark pit of Tartarus. They provide Zeus‚Äôs thunderbolt, Hades‚Äô helmet of invisibility, and Poseidon‚Äôs trident, and the gods use these weapons to defeat the Titans. In a famous episode of Homer‚Äôs Odyssey, the hero Odysseus encounters the Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon and a nereid (Thoosa), who lives with his fellow Cyclopes in a distant country. The connection between the two groups has been debated in antiquity and by modern scholars.[2]”
Doesn’t anyone read Freud anymore? The dream symbolism is so obvious here it’s almost embarrassing. Even the ancient Greeks understood the sexual implications of dreams better than modern scholars (so-called).
“Cyclops” originated in ancient dreams. It is a penis disguise. What do *caves* represent in dreams? What do *helmets* and *lightning bolts* represent?
That deformed pig is not in China, it’s in Indonesia.
The pig is real though but Orange seemed to have made that story up.
Correction. The pig in the first picture is indeed from Fengzhang village, China — as posted in Orange. But one in the other two is from Watuliney village, North Sulawesi Island, Indonesia.
Man? Bear? Pig?
The more I look at them, the more I see differences…. like the bottom two don’t seem to have the same lump on top of the head… but how could these three pics not all be the same pig? If you have evidence to support your claim, please share it. Thanks, Xeno
The sad thing is that I heard that pigs have the intellect of a 3 year old child. Pigs have been known to make awesome pets.
Is this animal in pain, is this animal able to survive on its own.
Or is this animal only to be treated like a freak?
can you say……pokemon?
WTF WTF WTF WTF!!!!!! its scaring the [bleep] outta me! I hope its not in pain… almost as bad as Mung
Ewww… that’s all I can say
Now that’s a gruesome image to see first thing in the morning while sipping coffee.
“Even if a human could mate with a hare, Bugs Bunny would not result.”
Whadda ya mean if ?
If u ask me, I think a man [had sex with] the piglets mom!
Poor piglet! 🙁
I would like to [remove] that man, who’s with me?
You know what this looks like, its eyes look like they are probably blind, but if you look at this mutated pig, it looks like its real snout is on its head, and like it could be folded down onto its face. It may look like a monkey, but its not.
Poor little piglets! They make me want to cry. I also hope they aren’t suffering, and if they are they should be humanely euthanized.
Other words shot in the face
verry scary photos.
It looks like [a famous political figure] to me!
I cannot say that they are not the same pig, but as far as the location is concerned the third picture proofs it. First of all the skin tone and facial look are of indonesian. Also judging from the cap that he wears it bears the national symbol of indonesia.
As for the piglet, i feel sorry that that little guys has to be a freak of nature.
[Deleted. Message got corrupted somehow. Sorry.]
Poor little thing. I hope they will take good care of it. After all, it is a living creature with feelings. They should ask the vet if it is suffering or if it can live alright. Its eyes don’t look too healthy. It looks really sad.
omg poor baby pig…i would pay any price to own it…its really adorable.
i wish he wasn’t getting all that attention though.People taking his picture and calling him ”mutated” he probably doesnt like it and thats why he is frowning :/
i thinks this pig is perfect!!!
[Deleted. Please post in English only.]
i think it is way cute and i would buy it if i had enough money. it is soooooo cute it looks just like a little monster from a cute movie.
that’ll do pig… that’ll do
Wow that is sure is one strange looking piggy, it’s head is completely deformed.
In regards to cyclops legends…. Those were started by the people who first saw elephant skulls. An elephant’s nasal cavity is one hole between the eyes, unlike the human’s which is 2 holes below the eye level. This led to the legends of one-eyed, 2-tusked giants in Africa. So I’d have to disagree that this “cyclops deformity”, as I’ve heard it called, goes that far back. Especially if it’s chemical related.
Thanks for sharing this. Very interesting. Elephant skulls!
Well, actually it wasn’t even elephants which caused the rumor. It were mammoths. Still, you’re right. Don’t think that cyclops really inhabited this world.
oh piece of @$#$ i am not wierd u wierdo!!! and first of all i think that piggy is cute. man imagine if everything in the world was perfect then what excitment wuld there be.
oh an yeah i am eleazar’s sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Deleted. Please post in English only.]
Although not yet fully understand what is happening there, but I can 100% say that it is not for the better!
thats the translation
Comments I can’t translate to English with some on line translator somewhere will be deleted as possible spam.
I love Pig monkeies. I found about Pig monkeys when I was looking up stuff on Google and I found PIG MONKEY.It is so cute! All I mostly draw is pig monkeys. I love those things!
some [screw]ed up [excrement]
Most deformities caused by tobacco or exposure to toxic tobacco smoke.
Not true. Radiation is the #1 cause of all mutations.
Most mutations that matter to evolution happen due to small natural errors when DNA is copied as cells divide, not from radiation or chemicals. If you assume 15 trillion cells per
human an estimate of these natural errors is about 350,000 mutations per minute, going on constantly. We are ALL mutants. You are mutating as you read this.
wow thats really crazy
Holoprosencephaly will produce this kind of monster -but the brain is simplified . The affliction can be subtle (single upper incisor, intelligent, near normal behaivor) or severe (facial deformity, mentally retarded, epileptic seizures, death in a few years) or lethal (cyclopia, stillborn if mouth is absent, brain just a sack, death comes in a few days…).the worst form of all is total absense of the face &ears joined together. A mutation in a gene that organizes the face is the culprit.
The pig must have gotten the H1N1 virus. Strange things happening in this world! 🙂
Some guy must of had smex with the pig and it came out looking like a human/monkey pig O_O
A YEAR?! That has got to be a record – I think the longest-lived human cyclops on record survived for three days. However, you clearly have two different pigs pictured here, so there might be some confusion.
Also, any resemblance between this specimen and a monkey is purely coincidental – most cyclopes don’t look like monkeys or really any normal creature at all. Most of them have a proboscis growing from the middle of the forehead above the eye socket, which is not a feature of any normal mammal.
Cyclopia can be caused by exposure to natural toxins, not just “modern pollutants”. There is a plant called the western false hellborne that causes ewes to have cyclops lambs.
The cyclops of Greek myth might be based on babies with holoprosencephaly, but there’s also a theory that ancient Greeks found skulls of elephants and thought they were one-eyed giants – the nasal passage of an elephant looks very much like a huge eye socket.